The Vata dosha is comprised of air and space elements, it is responsible for action, movement, and transportation. Vata is considered the main dosha of the 3 doshas and is the support for function and structure of the body.
Vata is in charge of movement in the body which means it governs all life functions. Some of these functions include: coordinating between the mind and body, heartbeat, blinking, controlling breathing and speaking, removing waste from the body, and regulating movements of the intestines.
Ayurveda is a quality based science. The qualities of Vata are dry, light, cold, rough, minute, and mobile. Ayurveda says to balance the doshas one must incorporate the opposite qualities. We practice this with the foods we eat, the thoughts we have, the types of exercise we do, and so on.
Body Constitution: Vatas typically have a thin and slender structure. They are usually thin, boney and their veins can protrude out. Because of their thing frame and the light elements that govern their bodies, a Vata person can be sensitive to cold and dry weather. Their nose, hands, and feet also run cold.
Digestion: Vata constitution tends to have both an irregular appetite and digestion which can be thrown off easily. This dosha suffers from constipation, gas, and bloating. Vata women are also more likeley to have irregular cycles and experience PMS.
Sleep Cycles: Due to Vatas light qualities they can have restless sleep and suffer from insomnia.
Intellectually: Vata dominant doshas are highly intuitive, spontaneous, and creative! They have a wide imagination and are often very artsy. They have hyperactive thoughts and like their governing element wind their thoughts can shift directions often. They learn quickly but can be forgetful as well. Vatas are kind, friendly, and accepting of others. They can be overly emotional and sensitive to others thoughts and opinions and become anxious and begin overthinking. Vatas constituions can get a burst of energy but can soon die out. They often bounce from idea to project but can struggle with finishing or continuing after the fun part of creating and thinking of the idea is over and the work begins. Vatas are the over thinkers and can suffer from their own restless thoughts.
Balanced Vata
Clear and sharp mind
Good digestion and elimination
Good sleep
Strong immune system
Regulated body temperature
Imbalanced Vata
Spaced out
Poor circulation
Constipation, gas, bloating
Joint pain and aches
Poor sleep quality
Lifestyle Recommendations for Vata Dosha
Since Vata is dominated by wind and space elements and their qualities are cool and light, a Vata constitution needs more stability and grounding added into their lives or can easily get lost in the air. That's why routine is a must for this Dosha, they need a discipline to help their wandering minds. Connecting with their mind and body is also very important, practicing meditation, going to restorative or yin yoga classes, and getting a relaxing massage with warm nourishing oils is best! Vata's can be easily distracted so minimizing distractions and noises is best to ensure them being able to complete their goals and tasks! Lastly, they are the more sensitive of the three Dosha's. Taking time for themselves and resetting their energy and learning to not give all their time and energy to other is imperative to keep Vata from getting drained.
Tastes that Balance Vata
Warm, oily, sweet, sour, salty, slimy, hot, slow, soft, liquids are suitable for Vata types because they combat the air characteristics.
It is best to buy locally sourced foods so you know where your groceries are coming from. Look for organic, non GMO, avoid seed oil (canola, vegetable, sunflower, safflower, etc.) Always read the labels and avoid things you cannot pronounce because these are usually harmful additives and preservatives.
Reduce or Remove
Foods that are astringent, bitter or pungent.
Raw, cold, light, dry foods can irritating for Vata types because it is more difficult for their digestion.
-Shirin Sami
