Kapha Dosha is one of the three Doshas in Ayurveda. Kapha Dosha is composed of the elements earth and water and is responsible for the body's structure and stability. It is responsible for nourishment, lubrication of joints and organs, and for providing the body with energy and strength. When in balance, it can promote a sense of tranquility, contentment, mental strength, and support. When out of balance, it can lead to congestion, weight gain, and sluggishness.
Ayurveda is a quality based science. The qualities of Kapha are heavy, cold, soft, oily, slow, stable, thick, and nourishing. Ayurveda says to balance the doshas one must incorporate the opposite qualities. We practice this with the foods we eat, the thoughts we have, the types of exercise we do, and so on.
Body Constitution: Kaphas have a stocky build with a wide frame. Thanks to their earth element they have strong bones and because of the water elements they have well lubricated joints and moist dewy skin. They usually have softer features and thick wavy hair. Kapha-types are prone to gaining weight due to the heavy elements. This also means Kapha are prone to catching a cold, suffering from allergies, and dealing with mucus build up. Bowel movements and digestion can be slow for this dosha as well. For the women, their cycles are often regular with minimal cramping.
Digestion: Kapha doshas have a slow and steady appetite, as well as a slow digestion. Due to their slow and heavy nature this can make it easy for this dosha to gain weight and it can be difficult for them to lose the weight as well. Their slower metabolism can make them be more susceptible to suffering from constipation and have difficulty completely emptying their bowels.
Sleep: The Kapha constitution loves their sleep! They are heavy sleepers and often have a hard time waking up as they love sleep. This dosha sleeps soundly and does not easily get disturbed or awakened while catching some zzz's. It is best for the Kapha time to have a regular bedtime and a routine time for waking up to help them get out of bed.
Intellectually: Kapha-type people are great listeners, supportive and easy going, patient, and well grounded. They are calm and nurturing people by nature. They enjoy stability in their lives including with work life, friendships, and relationships. Kapha's are calm they don't enjoy the up and downs like Vata or the go go go mentality of Pittas, although it is good for them to incorporate to stay well rounded. Kapha's can make excellent friends for Vata and Pitta because of their calm and grounding nature. On the other hand Kapha's can be on the lazy side and our prone to weight gain and depression, which means they need a push. It is best for them to partake in vigorous physical activity such as vinyasa yoga, tennis, intense cardio like dancing and running.
Balanced Kapha
Great listeners
Strong muscles
Good stamina
Imbalanced Kapha
Weight Gain
Slow thoughts
Difficult to change
Water retention
Feeling heavy
Tastes that balance Kapha
Pungent, bitter, and astringent are the tastes that balance the Kapha dosha. Favor foods that are warm, light, and dry to help balance the earth and water elements. It is best to buy locally sourced foods so you know where your groceries are coming from. Look for organic, non GMO, avoid seed oil (canola, vegetable, sunflower, safflower, etc.) Always read the labels and avoid things you cannot pronounce because these are usually harmful additives and preservatives.
Reduce or Remove
By reducing or removing foods that are cold, heavy, sweet, sour, and salty. we can help Kapha from becoming imbalanced. Promoting a thriving Kapha dosha!
- Shirin Sami
